Want to get rid of stress and anxiety. Include These foods in your diet to brighten your mood
The world right now is fighting a raging pandemic and the news is full of gloom and dread. In this chaos, some have lost their near dear ones while some have lost their jobs and sources of income. With everyone trapped in their homes for most of the time, and a future that seems uncertain, stress, depression and anxiety is bound to take over a person.
Food is a crucial part of our daily routine and what goes inside our body can make or break us. Eating healthy is important now, more than ever. But did you know that certain foods can help you fight stress and anxiety and brighten your mood? Yes! Today we will tell you about 10 foods are rich in nutrients and minerals which can help keep stress at bay.
1. Herbal Tea

It is common knowledge that a warm cup of tea can instantly sooth you and lighten your mood. However, reports suggest that certain flavours- like lavender, chamomile and matcha have shown to have relaxing effects on the body and calms your nerves.
2. Omega-3 Fatty acids

Fatty acids are known to have beneficial effects on on the body because they’re heart-healthy and according to studies, omega-3s help to ease depression, so inducing fish such as tuna, salmon, mackeral and sardines will help you ward of stress and keep you calm.
3. Milk

Since centuries, people have to drinking a glass of warm milk before going to bed as it induces a good night’s sleep. Warm milk also has a relaxing on the body. According to medical studies, milk and other dairy foods with Calcium can help muscles relax and stabilize mood. If you’re not fond of milk, you can also try your hands at yogurt and cheese.
4. Dark chocolate

Chocolates are comfort food, so having some may brighten your mood. Dark chocolates are rich in antioxidants, which may lower the stress levels in your body. However, remember to not go overboard and eat dark chocolate in moderation.
5. Nuts

Nuts are a great option to strengthen your immune system and as they contain vitamins, zinc, magnesium. Vitamin B is said to help reduce stress while magnesium is linked to better anxiety management. As per studies, almonds, pistachios and walnuts may even help reduce blood pressure levels while pistachios in partial help in reducing stress.
6. Eggs

Eggs are fulls of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants, all of which aid in stress management. Whole eggs are rich in Choline, a nutrient which plays an important role in brain health and may protect against stress.
7. Avocado

Avocado is known as a super food which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, phytochemicals, fiber, and essential nutrients, as per studies. Avocados are also laden with potassium, a mineral vital for keep the blood pressure low.
8. Fiber and roughage

Studies say, that foods rich in fibre and roughage are gut-friendly and help in alleviating stress. As per the Nutritional Neuroscience, a high-fiber diet may be linked with reduced anxiety, depression, and stress. Beans, green peas, berries, almonds, pistachios, flaxseed, sesame seeds, and lots of greens, like kale and broccoli are rice in fibre. Whole grains are also fiber-rich
9. Citrus fruits with Vitamin C

Studies suggest that high levels of Vitamin C aids in stress relief. Eating fruits like Oranges, strawberries, grapefruits can help lower your stress levels.
10. Seeds

Usage of seeds like flaxseed, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds have increased considerably in the past few years. These seeds are an excellent source of magnesium, which as written earlier, has been shown to help alleviate depression, fatigue, and irritability.